Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Slippery slope.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012
Sorry for not posting on Sunday, I wasn't in the right head space.

I'm still not in the right headspace and seriously struggling. Fighting those all to familiar feelings of being a failure, full of self loathing and wanting to switch off, become numb and make it all go away.

The diet plan I'd selected to follow for the first few weeks turned out to be a massive failure for me. The food, while ok in terms of calories, had far too much carbs and not enough protein to keep me feeling full and satisfied.  Sunday morning was a case in point. I made the corn fritters from the recipe book - 300 calories per serve. Not bad and surprisingly tasty. But once I became hungry I was HUNGRY!

The food at home had taken a turn for the worse - running out of fresh appealing ingredients, bread that was dry and hard and cravings for sugary fatty foods. A recipe for disaster. A trip to the shops cemented that failure - a tub of nutella, a cheese and olive bun from the bakery and I forget what else. Food amnesia.

Stepped on the scales this morning - two days - early. Unsurprisingly, I have put the weight back on.

Needing to press a big giant reset button and really refocus. Dinner tonight was on the right track at least - roasted carrot, broccoli and cauliflower.

At least on the upside, I have been exercising - even completed a personal training session in the park in the horrid downpour.

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